#10 Spaceage NFT by artist Caroline Ranere
NFT ReviewMay 12, 2022

#10 Spaceage

For the past few weeks, I have been driving a campaign to offer support to fellow NFT creators and I must say, I have had the opportunity to come across amazing artwork. It is a real adventure in itself…

(Read more about it at the bottom of this page.)

| About Martin Blais | About Martin Blais’ NFTs | Charity NFTs |

#10 Spaceage NFT by artist Caroline Ranere
#10 Spaceage NFT by artist Caroline Ranere | From the LoveCaroline NFT collection on OpenSea

#10 Spaceage

Created by artist Caroline Ranere


What I see

This image first inspires equilibrium, rectitude and devotion. A solid metallic structure that invites us underground. We penetrate a temple where devotees, solemnly walking around with arms crossed behind their straight backs, inside their straitjackets, worship the great architect who designed all this. We go down a wide-open rectangular rabbit hole where the only unbalanced thing not in line with patterns besides the unreachable sky is the living being who was carefully selected to live there, secluded, hypnotized by the multitude of colored lights dancing inside his/her helmet (a highly advanced electronic device programmed to provide he/she who wears it just enough oxygen to barely live, devoid of all emotion). Until time comes when the adorers have to walk down the stairs. They don’t know they are walking into an oven, blinded by the lights they can’t see the distortion in the atmosphere around them emanating from the heat down there. And they can’t sense the heat, how could they? Their straitjacket is made out of foil which repels heat and their big silicon boots and garments were designed for the exact same purpose. Their fate is sealed. In the next few minutes, there will remain only a pile of dust inside a triangular urn on the wall.

What I feel

I feel transported into another universe. I feel moved by the beauty of the distant starry sky and the sunset. I feel admiration for devotion towards higher principles and I feel sadness for he/she who gives up freewill in the name of dictated commandments. And I also feel pity because there is no possibility for human connection inside this environment. The inhabitants of this planet are distracted from their young age until the day they die. There is no proximity between people in this universe, only empty space. It really is a space age.


Caroline Ranere has the ability to create unique parallel universes. Whether it be with her lovely Red Betty, dancer, lover, spy NFT collection, which I warmly invite you to visit on OpenSea, or with other artworks where shapes, patterns and colors follow her set of rules, she is in control. I am grateful that you shared your artwork with me Caroline, even more so that you accepted to share your “Bet on Betty” promotional artwork with me as an NFT. (What can I say, I love marathons!) πŸ™βœŒοΈ

Here are some more NFTs from Caroline Ranere, do not hesitate to support this artist and her unique work.
#7 Willow NFT by artist Caroline Ranere
#7 Willow NFT by artist Caroline Ranere | From the LoveCaroline NFT collection on OpenSea
Red Betty #29 NFT by artist Caroline Ranere
Red Betty #29 NFT by artist Caroline Ranere| From the Red Betty NFT collection on OpenSea
#3 Eye Want You NFT by artist Caroline Ranere
#3 Eye Want You NFT by artist Caroline Ranere | From the LoveCaroline NFT collection on OpenSea

Martin Blais stache and finger!
Photo of myself with a random stache and a finger on my face… πŸ˜…

About this initiative

For the past few weeks, I have been driving a campaign to offer support (ever humbly) to my fellow NFT creators and I must say, I have had the opportunity to come across amazing artwork. It is a real adventure in itself.

I decided to start writing a few thoughts about random NFTs I reviewed and figured I would create posts on my website in case it interested anyone looking for inspirations on which artists to support or which collections to keep an eye out for.

I am no expert, my only tools are my appreciation of art, my feelings and emotions, my way with words and a true desire to spread positivity in a world where, for the majority, everything is hidden behind by a big cloud of uncertainty.

May this initiative serve its humble purpose and bring support or help or positivity in any way to anyone reading it and to the artists featured in my articles. πŸ™

kezza 11 NFT by artist kezzadoesdraw
NFT ReviewMay 10, 2022

kezza 11

For the past few weeks, I have been driving a campaign to offer support to fellow NFT creators and I must say, I have had the opportunity to come across amazing artwork. It is a real adventure in itself…

(Read more about it at the bottom of this page.)

| About Martin Blais | About Martin Blais’ NFTs | Charity NFTs |

kezza 11 NFT by artist kezzadoesdraw
kezza 11 by artist kezzadoesdraw | Hic Et Nunc collection

kezza 11

Created by artist kezzadoesdraw


What I see

Torn by the fact that her lover decided to leave and conquer other planets she appears to almost exclusively be touched by the shades of blue emanating from the whole spectrum of colors gushing from what others would call a giant leap for Humanity. She is obviously feeling blue, so much so that, out of her various shades of grey, the only color rolling on her cheek is blue. Although he is waiving from afar, seemingly proud of his accomplishments in his nifty astronaut apparel, she is not looking at him, she is looking away, adding to the sentiment of separation between them.

What I feel

I feel sadness first because she is in the foreground. She is us, we see the world from her point of view. Then, once we take a step back, we are able to view the scene as a spectator and find that there is beauty in all the colors, we find joy and pride in this flowing rainbow. Nevertheless, in the end, these radiant shades of life appear to lead to another grey entity. That new planet is not brighter, it is only different. Only the journey was colorful. Huh… And I’m back to sadness… Now I’m the one looking away at these shiny diamonds millions of miles away… Crying a river.


What a beautiful journey! Emotions and feelings are what makes us feel alive. They are what makes us human! πŸ™βœŒοΈ

Here are some more NFTs from kezzadoesdraw, do not hesitate to support this artist and her unique work.
kezza 16 NFT
By artist kezzadoesdraw | kezza 16
kezza 14 NFT
By artist kezzadoesdraw | kezza 14
kezza 02 NFT
By artist kezzadoesdraw | kezza 02

Martin Blais stache and finger!
Photo of myself with a random stache and a finger on my face… πŸ˜…

About this initiative

For the past few weeks, I have been driving a campaign to offer support (ever humbly) to my fellow NFT creators and I must say, I have had the opportunity to come across amazing artwork. It is a real adventure in itself.

I decided to start writing a few thoughts about random NFTs I reviewed and figured I would create posts on my website in case it interested anyone looking for inspirations on which artists to support or which collections to keep an eye out for.

I am no expert, my only tools are my appreciation of art, my feelings and emotions, my way with words and a true desire to spread positivity in a world where, for the majority, everything is hidden behind by a big cloud of uncertainty.

May this initiative serve its humble purpose and bring support or help or positivity in any way to anyone reading it and to the artists featured in my articles. πŸ™