For the past few weeks, I have been driving a campaign to offer support to fellow NFT creators and I must say, I have had the opportunity to come across amazing artwork. It is a real adventure in itself…
(Read more about it at the bottom of this page.)
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catch the moment
Created by artist Bayong Azzz
What I see
Too often have we witnessed rulers of this world advance on grounds as if they were playing a game of chess. Moving rooks and pawns, caring less for losses than tactical advantage. Giving orders from afar, while their tentacles raise havoc. Calculating each move towards a moving target, forcing common folk to become soldiers ad hoc. What’s worse is that we see the board and we sit back. We’re brainwashed into believing it’s all part of the game while the limits of the chessboard remain contained. When the dust settles and the smoke disperse, it’s too late. Crime is done, Krym is gone and the King is dead. Who was behind the attack? Was the King amBushed? Was the bishop Put in a bad spot? Who cares? Ratings skyrocketed.
What I feel
I feel powerless in front of this disproportionately giant arm moving pieces from such a distance the opponent is faceless. I wish people realized we’re all interconnected. Each square that gets marched upon within the board is a direct kick in our face. I wish I could stop injustice and severe the hand that is moving into game point. The grayscale also adds to the truth of this situation exposed. There are no colors in this picture, everything is a different shade of black once the bomb explodes.
I love it when a piece of art exposes world flaws and atrocities in a blunt manner. No need for descriptive carnage, bloodshed is unnecessary too, just a clean direct jab at our human shortcomings with a touch of humour. Keep up your great work Bayong, thanks for sharing your art with the World! 🙏✌️
Here are some more NFTs from Bayong, do not hesitate to support this artist and his unique work.

About this initiative
For the past few weeks, I have been driving a campaign to offer support (ever humbly) to my fellow NFT creators and I must say, I have had the opportunity to come across amazing artwork. It is a real adventure in itself.
I decided to start writing a few thoughts about random NFTs I reviewed and figured I would create posts on my website in case it interested anyone looking for inspirations on which artists to support or which collections to keep an eye out for.
I am no expert, my only tools are my appreciation of art, my feelings and emotions, my way with words and a true desire to spread positivity in a world where, for the majority, everything is hidden behind by a big cloud of uncertainty.
May this initiative serve its humble purpose and bring support or help or positivity in any way to anyone reading it and to the artists featured in my articles. 🙏