Princess SweetHeart NFT by artist Jim Carney and Linda Carney available on the (CRO) marketplace
NFT ReviewJune 08, 2022

Princess SweetHeart

For the past few weeks, I have been driving a campaign to offer support to fellow NFT creators and I must say, I have had the opportunity to come across amazing artwork. It is a real adventure in itself…

(Read more about it at the bottom of this page.)

| About Martin Blais | About Martin Blais’ NFTs | Charity NFTs |

Princess SweetHeart NFT by artist Jim Carney (aka @favormindedjim) available on the (CRO) marketplace
Princess SweetHeart NFT by artists Jim Carney and Linda Carney available on the (CRO) marketplace

Princess SweetHeart

Created by artists Jim Carney and Linda Carney


What I see

This one is special for me. I love all animals, but I have a high appreciation of horses. They are magnificent sentient beings with beautiful eloquent eyes. They are naturally wild and they can also accept to collaborate with humans with resilience (sadly, sometimes, under tightfisted unjustified dictatorship). In this artwork by Jim and Linda Carney, I see a radiant world filled with happiness. I see an expression of love towards the subject itself by the artist. I can’t help but also notice that Princess SweetHeart looks peaceful and grateful. She seems happy. I see in her a unicorn who decided to hide her magical horn in order to live unnoticed with the family who accepted to take her in and care for her when she was found with her back leg injured, wrapped up in barbed wire at age 2. (She is approx 12 now.😊) I also see kindness and generosity because of the initiative from which this NFT collection sprouted… Read on, you will understand.

What I feel

I feel happy and touched by the warmth of the vibrant colors. I almost feel like in a dream because of the slight pastel impressionism style of this beautiful image but I am most definitely moved by the reason why it has been created. I feel touched. I feel filled with gratitude and moved because…

Who is Princess SweetHeart?

Princess SweetHeart was the first animal to be rescued by Jim Carney (@favormindedjim) and Linda Carney back in 2012. Since then, they have been taking in and feeding many animals who were old, abandoned or injured (horses, dogs, cats, ducks, chickens, etc.) They operate a small animal rescue shelter in Spokane, WA, USA. Besides caring for the animals they rescued, from time to time they offer workshops where they teach training for dogs and horses. They invite families to come and learn to care for animals, train them, feed them, groom, etc. When the animals turn out to need more resources and attention than they can provide, they also associate with Spokane County Regional Animal Protection Services to ensure continuity and that the animals are properly cared for.

The NFTs

Jim and Linda recently decided to create NFTs by artistically evolving pictures of their rescued animals and selling these artworks to raise money to contribute to their work and help feed the animals on their rescue farm. This is also a way to immortalize these precious souls who shared their lives when they pass out and proceeds from the images of their memory are recycled into more support for the living animals still with them. In our world craving for such altruistic initiatives, I find this idea poetic and beautiful.


NFTs for charity and altruistic causes demonstrate another beautiful side of this “crypto” world that we are building together. I sincerely invite you to support Jim and Linda as well as other causes that will benefit our world and all who lives in it. Thank you Jim and Linda for your initiative. Keep up your great generous noble work!🙏✌️

Here are some more NFTs from Jim and Linda, do not hesitate to support these artists and their noble cause.
Marl E. NFT by artist Jim Carney and Linda Carney available on Rarible
Marl E. NFT by artist Jim Carney and Linda Carney available on Rarible
Little Montana NFT by artist Jim Carney and Linda Carney available on the (CRO) marketplace
Little Montana NFT by artist Jim Carney and Linda Carney available on the (CRO) marketplace
Mr. Boots NFT by artist Jim Carney and Linda Carney available on the (CRO) marketplace
Mr. Boots NFT by artist Jim Carney and Linda Carney available on the (CRO) marketplace

Trying to do the "The Rock, smoldering intensity look"
Photo of myself with a goaty trying to do the “The Rock, smoldering intensity look” 😅

About this initiative

For the past few weeks, I have been driving a campaign to offer support (ever humbly) to my fellow NFT creators and I must say, I have had the opportunity to come across amazing artwork. It is a real adventure in itself.

I decided to start writing a few thoughts about random NFTs I reviewed and figured I would create posts on my website in case it interested anyone looking for inspirations on which artists to support or which collections to keep an eye out for.

I am no expert, my only tools are my appreciation of art, my feelings and emotions, my way with words and a true desire to spread positivity in a world where, for the majority, everything is hidden behind by a big cloud of uncertainty.

May this initiative serve its humble purpose and bring support or help or positivity in any way to anyone reading it and to the artists featured in my articles. 🙏

Wolves Spirit NFT by artist MirArt
NFT ReviewMay 24, 2022

Wolves Spirit

For the past few weeks, I have been driving a campaign to offer support to fellow NFT creators and I must say, I have had the opportunity to come across amazing artwork. It is a real adventure in itself…

(Read more about it at the bottom of this page.)

| About Martin Blais | About Martin Blais’ NFTs | Charity NFTs |

Wolves Spirit NFT by artist MirArt
Wolves Spirit NFT by artist MirArt | From the MirArt NFT collection on

Wolves Spirit

Created by artist MirArt


What I see

I once heard a story about a battle between two wolves inside us. The story depicts these two wolves as our inner conflicts between darkness and light, good versus evil. It explains that we are the sole person in charge of feeding one or the other. The stronger wolf is inevitably the one we deliberately choose to feed over the other and could explain why sometimes fear takes over when we decide to give into it… This is a different picture that MirArt illustrates in this beautiful NFT. We see a team working as a well-coordinated ensemble whose mission is to keep balance between body and mind. The white wolf leans against the subject’s head as to influence thoughts and ideas by infusing wisdom (represented by the white strands of hair). The black wolf acts as a supporting pillar of the structure by giving strength to the body. The subtle shades of purple in the white wolf’s muzzle appear to me as evocative of the crown chakra that represents our spiritual connection to the universe. Also, the beautiful hints of red in the black wolf’s fur make me think of the root chakra that reflects our foundation and our relationship with all that allows us to feel grounded in our environment and in our life. It is said that eyes are the doorway through which we can see one’s soul. This artwork’s protagonist appears to have a beautiful soul. There are no strong emotions on her face, no joy, but no pain, only assertiveness. An inner confidence that her totem animal will support and protect her no matter what. I also notice that we see the right eye of the white wolf as opposed to the left eye of the black one. Another nice touch to illustrate a perfect equilibrium between the Yin and the Yang.

What I feel

When I dive into the subject’s eyes, I feel inner confidence. I feel empowered. I feel safe, secure and I have faith that everything will be all right. Through her eyes, I feel strong and balanced. The earthy color of the background also inspires a feeling of groundedness into the present. Nothing else matters when you lock eye contact with her.


When I saw MirArt’s name “Mir”, I immediately thought of the Slavic meaning of the word Mir (Мир): which, depending on the context, refers to “Peace”, “The World”, “The Universe”… I like to think that MirArt’s Universe is a world of peace. Mir describes his work by saying: “I Like to Express my Thoughts and Feelings in my Paintings and Spread Beauty and Love Through Art”. I must say @MirNFT, you do that beautifully! Thanks for sharing your art with the World! 🙏✌️

Here are some more NFTs from MirArt, do not hesitate to support this artist and his unique work.
White Flame NFT by artist MirArt | From the MirWorld NFT collection on
White Flame NFT by artist MirArt | From the MirWorld NFT collection on
Finding Home NFT by artist MirArt | From the Space Born NFT collection on
Finding Home NFT by artist MirArt | From the Space Born NFT collection on
The Eye of Heart NFT by artist MirArt | From the MirWorld NFT collection on
The Eye of Heart NFT by artist MirArt | From the MirWorld NFT collection on

Martin Blais stache and finger!
Photo of myself with a random stache and a finger on my face… 😅

About this initiative

For the past few weeks, I have been driving a campaign to offer support (ever humbly) to my fellow NFT creators and I must say, I have had the opportunity to come across amazing artwork. It is a real adventure in itself.

I decided to start writing a few thoughts about random NFTs I reviewed and figured I would create posts on my website in case it interested anyone looking for inspirations on which artists to support or which collections to keep an eye out for.

I am no expert, my only tools are my appreciation of art, my feelings and emotions, my way with words and a true desire to spread positivity in a world where, for the majority, everything is hidden behind by a big cloud of uncertainty.

May this initiative serve its humble purpose and bring support or help or positivity in any way to anyone reading it and to the artists featured in my articles. 🙏