For the past few weeks, I have been driving a campaign to offer support to fellow NFT creators and I must say, I have had the opportunity to come across amazing artwork. It is a real adventure in itself…
(Read more about it at the bottom of this page.)
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Color Field Portrait #2
Created by artist Jonah Cordy
What I see
Our human form is clearly delimited. We know where the limits of our body begin and where they end. However, our inner dimension is unlimited, expansive, colorful… And yet… Restricted by our self-imposed credence. To a certain extent, we are in control of our chaos and of allowing layers of conditioning to influence our behavior. Throughout our lifespan on Earth, we get acquainted with means to answer this relentless question: “Who am I?” to which we learn to respond by a: “What is I?” Our judgment can easily be clouded by all these filters and patterns that get programmed into us in our early steps, but slowly, we learn to reach the top of the pyramid where our conscience can be clear. When we look back on all that we peeled along the way and count the layers as we would for a tree trunk to determine its age, we find that these infinite layers are increments to our infinity. When we’re able to see these patterns for what they are, only patterns, that’s when we can truly see how far we got (and possibly dissolve a part of the ego along the way).
What I feel
I can’t help but share the feeling of egotistical joy and pride that appears to be motivating the subject of this artwork, happily lifting his jacket’s collar with his thumb while (I imagine) clapping his heels together and chanting: I have an examined life worth living, I know myself. I also like the little cloud above that kindly reminds us that in our human form, knowing thyself does not exempt us from having ideas clouded by some form of ego (human or spiritual). Nonetheless, learning to examine and recognize our inner patterns can only help us rise above the cloud as pointed by the pyramids (or do I see arrows)?
Jonah’s artwork is beautifully composed with shapes and colors and patterns. Each piece invites us into a world of order and of clearly visible delimitations that make us feel safe at first so that we can open up and invite the undefined into our minds. I also like the clear title of this particular collection: Color Field Portraits. There is no fuss about it, it is clear, or is it? When I look a little closer into these portraits, I can’t help but think of a Certified Financial Planner that would have a Cartesian mind and clean steam-pressed wool suits. And if I get a little more into it, I see this Central Focal Protrusion: our ego. Beautiful work Jonah, thanks for sharing your work with the world. 🙏✌️
Here are some more NFTs from Jonah Cordy, do not hesitate to support this artist and his unique work.

About this initiative
For the past few weeks, I have been driving a campaign to offer support (ever humbly) to my fellow NFT creators and I must say, I have had the opportunity to come across amazing artwork. It is a real adventure in itself.
I decided to start writing a few thoughts about random NFTs I reviewed and figured I would create posts on my website in case it interested anyone looking for inspirations on which artists to support or which collections to keep an eye out for.
I am no expert, my only tools are my appreciation of art, my feelings and emotions, my way with words and a true desire to spread positivity in a world where, for the majority, everything is hidden behind by a big cloud of uncertainty.
May this initiative serve its humble purpose and bring support or help or positivity in any way to anyone reading it and to the artists featured in my articles. 🙏