For the past few weeks, I have been driving a campaign to offer support to fellow NFT creators and I must say, I have had the opportunity to come across amazing artwork. It is a real adventure in itself…
(Read more about it at the bottom of this page.)
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Creating Art Despite the Depression
Created by artist raycerapoza
What I see
Depression is like a prison. Stuck in some form of lethargy, things around us lose their vibrancy… We lose our ability to glow. The dark shades of blue alternating in the background are the bars of our cell keeping us locked in. We are feeling blue, I mean, really, dark, blue. But did you ever hear about that “Fake it until you make it” concept? The painter (or should I say PAIN-ter) represented in this scene is completely bent on himself, likely just out of his fetal position in the far-left corner of his enclosed room, he decided to reach out and grab a brush. Did you notice? The brush is blue also, but a lighter shade of it. He started painting but he’s not looking at his art for now… For the moment, he’s trying to fake it. But there’s no “real” faking here. The magic starts when you take action. No need for huge rants, no need for outer recognition, heck, he’s not even looking at what he’s doing yet but he understands the concept. Whatever he decides to express is fine, each word, each breath, each e-motion (energy in motion) has a different color. As long as he keeps the motion flowing these colors will come out bright, they will elevate him. Very soon he will straighten his spine, raise his chin, open his eyes and see that he painted a colorful bridge to escape… And I’m not just talking “normal” bridge here, this is the powerful Norse-mythology-Bifröst-stuff, HEAR ME OUT! HE WILL ESCAPE! BY THOR AND BY ODIN! (Throwing my cup on the floor with all my might!) BRING ME ANOTHER ROUND MY GOOD MAN, THERE’S A GODLY MOMENT READY TO TAKE PLACE!!!
What I feel
I feel the sadness and the pain of someone who does not have the courage to look at himself in the mirror. I feel grateful to be from a witness point of view because I can see the marvelous beauty of what the PAIN-ter is creating right now. He is like a butterfly ready for his grace. He is like a grain of corn ready to fill up your bag while you go watch LOVE AND THUNDER at a theater near you. I feel joyous, excited and moved about what’s ready to happen. I feel blessed to marvel (see what I did here?) at the courage and the beauty of someone surrounded by darkness but painting with bright colors.
We all experience some form of depression at some point in our life. The first thing we can do is acknowledge and accept it. Sometimes life can get tough and it can sometimes be a drag (where did I read this before?) but we have been given a gift, we have been given a road… (Oh yeah, I know now… KISS and Keanu Reeves come to mind. 😜) And that road’s name is ART. Thank you raycerapoza for sharing your art with me. 🙏✌️
Here are some more NFTs from raycerapoza, do not hesitate to support this artist and his unique work.

About this initiative
For the past few weeks, I have been driving a campaign to offer support (ever humbly) to my fellow NFT creators and I must say, I have had the opportunity to come across amazing artwork. It is a real adventure in itself.
I decided to start writing a few thoughts about random NFTs I reviewed and figured I would create posts on my website in case it interested anyone looking for inspirations on which artists to support or which collections to keep an eye out for.
I am no expert, my only tools are my appreciation of art, my feelings and emotions, my way with words and a true desire to spread positivity in a world where, for the majority, everything is hidden behind by a big cloud of uncertainty.
May this initiative serve its humble purpose and bring support or help or positivity in any way to anyone reading it and to the artists featured in my articles. 🙏